Speciation in the light of gene flow and deep coalescence

Evolutionary processes such as hybridisation and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS)/deep coalescence can result in variation in individual gene histories. I studied how these processes affected the evolution of the capped and golden langur (CG) lineage (Primate: Colobinae). I used multiple nuclear and mitochondrial markers in conjunction with multiple coalescent-based species tree approaches and a test for hybridisation using posterior predictive checking to better understand the evolutionary origin of the CG lineage. As an extension to this work, I will be using whole-genome sequences to test the hybrid origin hypothesis and to identify the regions of introgression
Kunal Arekar, Abhijna Parigi, Praveen Karanth. 2021. Understanding the convoluted evolutionary history of the capped-golden langur lineage (Cercopithecidae: Colobinae). Journal of Genetics. 100(79). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12041-021-01329-8